
Leadership Development – Accessing Your Inner Mentor Through Executive Coaching 

The ability to monitor and manage your inner voice is a key aspect of leadership and personal development.  In our Birdman blog we looked at the concept of the Inner Critic and how to turn that inner-voice into one that works for you, rather than against you.   So, if we have an inner critic, have we got an inner mentor?   YES - we all have a part of us that is a source of wisdom.

In Tara Mohr’s book “Playing Big”, she calls it “the voice in each of us that is unburdened by fear and untouched by insecurity”.   She describes the inner mentor as “an imagined version of an older, wiser you – you twenty years out into the future.”    

When we think of Mentoring, it is usually in the context of the external mentor, the wise sage who shares through a series of conversations their experience and knowledge -  a very important and useful strategy for skill and career  development.  But it is interesting to think about our own inner wisdom and how we might access it. In “Playing Big” Tara suggests a process of visualisation, which may or may not appeal; but actually coaching plays very effectively in this space.

As a team of Executive Coaches in Praesta, we find that more often that not our clients do have the answers themselves, and our work is centred on creating a space in which clients can talk about what is on their mind, share insights, come up with alternatives and rehearse their next steps.  Through challenging thinking; stimulating creativity;  giving encouragement and building confidence we help our clients tap into their inner mentor and develop their own compass for navigating their work life.