
Beyond the Stable State

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I read an article recently about the challenges facing business leaders in Ireland in preparing their organisations for Brexit. It led me to reflect on an insightful paper by Donald Schön back in 1971 (Beyond the Stable State, 1971). It occurred to me that great organisational intellects like Schön can capture the essence of what is important for business leaders to focus on. These core truths, which persist over the long term, are a source of valuable insight for business leaders who need to respond to challenges in the short term.

Self-Awareness – A Key Component Of Executive Presence And Successful Leadership

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What is Self-Awareness? The Oxford English Dictionary definition of self-awareness is “Conscious knowledge of one’s own character and feelings”.  The first psychological study of self-awareness dates back to the early 1970s, and more recently the work of Daniel Goleman on Emotional Intelligence (knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources and intuitions) has recognised that self-awareness is a major contributor to success, both at work and in day to day life. 

Leadership Presence

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As an Executive Coaching practice we frequently work with our clients on leadership presence and impact.  Sometimes it is described to us as a desire for more gravitas – a wish to cultivate an air of natural authority, be unflappable, depict calm confidence, or achieve an air of being worth listening to.  Presence or gravitas is usually presented as a key ingredient in achieving greater success or renown, and more often than not our clients would like a few handy tips… however in our experience this is an inside job!  The source of real presence requires the client to uncover and make sense of their stories – to go below the line.

How Developing A Reflective Practice Will Enhance Your Leadership Impact

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“We had the experience – but missed the meaning” T.S Eliot

Leadership can often be confused with a level of seniority, a role or a title, but in fact the work of leading is about influencing people and processes in the service of accomplishing a collective aim or group goal.  It is about creating results that benefit the organisation’s stakeholders.

A Reflection For International Coaching Week

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By Judy Brown

What makes a fire burn
is space between the logs,
a breathing space.
Too much of a good thing,
too many logs
packed in too tight
can douse the flames
almost as surely
as a pail of water would.